Kalopsia Films
Film Production / Chicago - Mexico City



Directed + Edited by Justin Nico Flocco
Shot in Phnom Penh 2018

Today, Cambodia is still one of the poorest countries in Asia and children are the first to suffer, losing their right to an education. Enfants d’Asie runs 3 homes of its own, including a student hostel in Phnom Penh. Their mission is to promote an environment conducive to the professional development of the youth. 

Aujourd’hui, le Cambodge est encore l’un des pays les plus pauvres d’Asie et les enfants en sont les premières victimes. Ils ne peuvent pas tous jouir de leurs droits, dont celui à l’éducation. Enfants d’Asie gère aujourd’hui 3 foyers en propre, dont un foyer d’étudiants à Phnom Penh. Cela favorise un environnement propice au développement professionnel de ces jeunes.



Waiting for Marshan

Marshan was 15 years old when his drug l dealer brother James asked him to steal a vehicle to get the drugs and money back stolen from James in a drug deal rip off.  Marshan who revered his elder brother never hesitated, he was used to joyriding cars around the block as well as his ambition to be a mechanic.

Two friends of Marshan’s brother used the vehicle to get the drugs and money back, they persuaded Marshan to go with them. The deal went wrong two people were killed. Neither Marshan nor his brother James were the shooters.  Certified to stand trial as an adult, aged 16 Marshan was given Life Without Parole

for his part in stealing the vehicle, he was charged as an adult on a count 2 charge murder/intent to kill/injure. He had never hurt anyone. At Marshan’s trial the judge said he was bound by law to give a mandatory LWOP sentence otherwise he would have given a different sentence.  Sentenced to LWOP at 16 Marshan is now 40 he has spent 24 years in prison and has a wagon load of academic achievements, he has an Associate degree, is a qualified paralegal, helps other inmates with their cases and is the first person in Illinois given a LWOP sentence to be a teaching assistant.

If he is released Marshan wants to start his own business, earn enough to support his mother, continue an education, go for a Skydive and have a bubble bath! He has job offers, interviewing with mitigation specialists, in a law office, in real estate and with a Youth Advocacy Program.  

Brandon Breaux

The Return of BUMP J


In April of 2017, famed Chicago rapper Bump J was released from federal state prison after serving 7 years for armed robbery.  Kalopsia Films had the pleasure of accompanying Bump on return home show at WGCI's SummerJam at the United Center where he played for thousands of anticipating fans.  The night turned out to be an emotional and energetic event that certainly marks the resurgence of a new rap career for Bump J.  

Click the photos above to scroll through.  



Kalopsia Films alongside New Schools for Chicago are working on examining the youth culture in pockets of Chicago with the highest crime rates.  Neighborhoods like Englewood, Uptown and the Austin neighborhoods have been highly effected with the rates of gang violence and shootings.  In this documentary we follow youth from varying age ranges and see what different factors or lack there of impact decisions for these youth that lead them down the right or wrong path.  The main factors being education, parenting and varying surrounding influences during formative years of their life that determine many things for the children.  Below are previews of two videos.  One follows Armani, a freshman at Noble Academy who finds peace in his high school environment.  The next is an excerpt of an interview we did with Nate from the Uptown, Chicago, who has been gang affiliated since he was a young teenager.